Monday, May 16, 2011

So I had my usual 9:00 Monday morning appt with my OB/GYN. I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off so I could leave for the doctor as soon as I got the kids on the bus. My clothing options are EXTREMELY limited these days due to the fact that I refuse to blow money on maternity clothes. My usual black stretch pants with the bleach stains were not clean, nor were any underwear that I could actually get over my ass. I opted for my other foolproof bottom option, a knee length stretchy skirt that folds down at the waist and fits me perfectly. (Well as perfect as clothes can fit when it looks like your smuggling baby elephants and a midget family under your shirt.)

I put the kids on the bus, stopped at the post office and ended up at the doctor by 8:45. My OB is located on a main road in Hamilton right next to a YMCA. While walking up the ramp to the office a fellow pregnant woman jumped out of her car. "Oh my God. I don't know how to tell you this, but you have a HUGE rip in your skirt and your butt is completely exposed." Now I did notice a slight draft as I walked up to the office, and it did occur to me that my skirt was brushing against my calves in the back, but in no way shape or form did I think that I was mooning commuters on a main road in Hamilton. I did what anyone would do and reached around to feel how much exposure there was. Yup, my ENTIRE ass was sticking out. It was like someone took a razor blade and sliced the skirt right at the top of my butt. While I'm standing there feeling my own ass and wondering why I picked TODAY to go commando, the fellow prego was frantically searching her car for something I could put on. She ended up walking RIGHT behind me so I could get back to my car without mooning anyone else. Needless to say I ended up 30 minutes late for my appt and had to call and explain what the deal was.

When I got back to the office at 9:30, my doctor and his nurse had been told about "Carrie Krupa's Dilemma." My doctor walked in cracking up and said "Carr. Why would you NOT wear underwear with a skirt?!" I explained that I would never do that to go to Shoprite, but I figured there was nothing there HE hadn't seen before and that it wasn't a big deal.

It's still a mystery as to how the skirt ripped clear across the back. But it was an interesting start to my Monday. Just wondering how many kids on Dill & Alek's bus will be in therapy from seeing Mrs. Krupa's ass this morning.
