Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello everyone, So I've been busy, sick and trying to figure out how to create a new blog on this blogging website. It also doesn't help that I have not been in the working/computer world for 8+ years and have no knowledge of computer crap whatsoever.

What do hernia, tendinitis, bronchitis, broken blood vessel spots, diabetes, anemia, joint pain, sciatica, nausea, high blood pressure, swollen glands, swollen tongue, asthma and back pain all have in common? Yeah, you guessed it, they are all ailments that I have.

By the time June is here I will have been to an internist, a sonographer (not only for my belly, but for my neck), a chiropractor, an Obstetrician, a dietitian, a hematologist, an endocrinologist, a pulmonologist, a dentist, an oral surgeon, a general surgeon...well, you get the point. I've pretty much had it and I am convinced this pregnancy is going to kill me. I have never had so many ailments EVER. It could always be worse, but really I'm just not sure how much my body can take anymore. I've had a nasty cough for 2 days now that is only getting worse, and my iron levels are going down instead of up. But on the bright side, so far the baby is doing well. (Probably because she is sucking every single bit of life out of ME.) I really hope this isn't an indicator as to what my birth experience is going to be like. God help me. I pray that being the 4th, she just slips right out. However, I couldn't possibly be that lucky.

Tomorrow is Alek's 6th birthday! Woo Hoo...big shout out to my boy. However he was not getting a big shout-out on Sunday morning when he was busted trying to make a giant paper airplane out of Jake's school project poster board. Just a good thing he was caught before this house was meltdown central. But anyway, big shout out to my baby.

Trying to figure out what to eat has been interesting. I go to the dietitian on Thursday morning for some meal planning. Thursday cannot some soon enough. Little Snooki and I have been living on red leaf lettuce and Polly-O string cheese for 4 days now, oh, and hard boiled eggs. Let's not forget those. They make for some unforgettable evenings at bedtime. I think Alan is probably having a harder time with my diet change than I am. When you don't eat fish, chicken or meat, what's left? Pasta, rice, potatoes....what I've been eating the past 34 years of my life. Those are now all the things I am unable to have.

Anyway, this was purely a bitching blog. My belly is getting bigger, but I'm not really putting on any weight. Weird considering I gained 80, 65 & 40 pounds with the other 3 pregnancies. But like I said, so far the baby is doing okay. So I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone for my recent statuses. I've just been so bitchy and sick, and quite frankly my mother is the only one that doesn't seem to tire of hearing about it. Sorry guys. Hopefully come June I'll be sending out some more positive messages!

Love you all,