Friday, March 9, 2012


For those of you who can't deal with "too much information" please do not read any further. I'm in a "no holds barred" kind of mood tonight. I am not trashy, but far from classy, and I share what I want to share. So here goes my spontaneous blog post. It's kind of out of order, but everything is within the last 2 days.


Well my oldest baby officially got his permit today. He completed his 6 hours behind the wheel and passed everything with flying colors. I ran outside with my camera at 7 pm tonight, only to find out that my flash wasn't working. I took numerous pictures of him in the school's drivers ed car only to find out that you could only see his glowing eyeballs in the actual photos. Nevertheless, the instructor was ridiculously happy with how comfortable he was behind the wheel. Wahhhhhhh. I took the permit, looked at Jake, and said "well lets go. Keys are in the car." He ran inside to go to the bathroom and the instructor (who was a woman in her 50's) looked at me and said "What a wonderful kid. You've done an incredible job with him. You should be proud to have such a personable young boy." I've been told that before, and I'm never one to brag because I LOATHE bragging mom's, but for some reason, it just really meant alot coming from the school secretary/drivers ed teacher who had just met him 6 hours prior. He pisses me off on a daily basis, but he's a damn good kid. 


So Alek will be 7 years old on the 23rd of this month. His obsession with Angry Birds is beyond comprehension. I realize all the kids are into it, but this boy takes it to a whole new level. He literally starts sketching Angry Birds from the second he gets up at 7:00 am until the bus comes at 8:25. He tests me on Angry Birds colors, personalities, (WTF, they're cartoon birds, they have personalities?) and to see if I know his high score in the game. So we are having an Angry Birds birthday party with 15 of his closest friends. I will be shooting myself through a slingshot right to the local bar by night's end I'm sure.

The Gym

Haven't been back to the cycling class, nor have I ventured back into elliptical territory yet. However, I AM kicking ass and taking names on the treadmill. Felt really good in my old, ripped, stained t-shirt and black, bleach stained capri leggings this morning. My new Nike's are no longer ripping the skin off the back of my feet and I can get my incline up to a 4.5 without feeling like I'm going to die. So there I am feeling freaking awesome. There's nobody on equipment around me for miles as I put my playlist on and begin my usual routine. Within 10 minutes....BAM! fat girl sandwich (and I was not one of the slices of bread). There had to have been 25 free treadmills on the 2nd floor alone, but 2 of the hottest-bodied women I'd ever seen got on either side of me. Really? You would think that would be motivation, but listening to Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls just takes on a whole new meaning when you're sandwiched in between 2 women who do an incline of 4.5 for a warm up. 


Took my Lil for her 9 month checkup yesterday. I mentioned to the doctor that her feet are occasionally VERY cold and turn purple. This also happened in the hospital the day after she was born. The nurse took her into the nursery, they put her under the warmer, and the purple was gone. It still happens every now and then, but I just assumed she was cold, or that because her legs were so chubby, that maybe in certain positions the diaper cut off circulation. 

Well apparently purple feet can be a sign of a heart/vascular problem. My pediatrician immediately wrote out a prescription for a chest x-ray and told Alan and I that Lily needed to see a cardiologist. I'm happy to report that the chest x-ray showed perfect lung placement and perfectly normal heart placement/size. Alan and I (because he ended up being OFF FROM WORK...grrrr) took her today. Just when you think the girl is going to scream bloody murder, she laughs through the whole x-ray. Women are so damn unpredictable (even at 9 months old). She still needs to see the cardiologist, but I feel much better knowing the x-ray came out good.

The Condom Incident

So Alek won a Barnes and Noble gift card at Dr. Suess Day at school today. What does he want to go buy? The biggest stuffed Angry Bird they have. After that waste of a giftcard was done, I needed to stop at Shoprite for a few things. So my little Angry Bird-loving Lovey's and I made a Shoprite pit stop. As I strode by the pharmacy, I remembered Alan telling me that we were out of condoms. Noone else was around and Alek was totally preoccupied looking for TY beanie baby angry birds, so I decided to go for the big condom purchase.

Since when are condoms behind the counter? Really? I'm not buying a fucking gun. Anyway, the pharmacy "assistant" was like a 19 year old guy. So I walked up and said in a slight whisper, "I need a pack of condoms." So he says "what kind?" OMG...are you even kidding me? I'm 35. I haven't bought a pack of condoms in freakin ages. Looking behind me, to make sure Alek was still far away, I said "Listen dude, I have 4 kids, I just want something to prevent a 5th kid." Well, the pharmacist (a woman closer to my age, obviously not seeing my complete embarrassment) intervenes and says "well, we have sensitive for her, lubricated, unlubricated, colors, ribbed..." well you get it. The list went on and on. She proceeds to take all the different ones off the hooks and display them in a sweet fashion on the pharmacy counter. I look behind me to see what Alek is doing, only to find a man completely encroaching my space. People, there is a PRIVACY line for a reason! I looked him dead in the eye, turned around to pharmacist and said "just give me whatever's lubricated, KY Jelly isn't in my budget." I turned around and suddenly that man had found the "privacy line".

Chesterfield Update

I know everybody knows about our bus accident. While the accident took place one road over from mine, I refuse to drive by there. I purposely go out of my way to NOT drive by. I hate the media and I am so sick of it being in our faces everyday. But I would like everyone who isn't local to know that Sophie (the critical triplet) is now in rehab :), and Jon is also expected to go to rehab very soon. I am so thankful to live in Chesterfield with such amazing families. We support these children in ways that I cannot even begin to explain. There's alot to be said for living in a small town. 

Love you all,